CEDPA Conference Central
"Educating Ourselves For A Change"
The 37th Annual Conference
October 29-31, 1997
Radisson Hotel Sacramento · Sacramento, California
President's Message
Main Speakers
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Schedule
Preconference Sessions
Internet Room
Exhibiting Vendors
Area Activities
Golf Tournament
Conference Central Home
CEDPA Home Page
THE 37th Annual CEDPA Conference was held at the Radisson Hotel Sacramento in Sacramento, California on October 29-31, 1997 (Wednesday through Friday), with preconference sessions held on Tuesday, October 28, 1997. Two hundred IT/IS Directors, School Business Officials, and Administrative and Instructional Technologists from all over the state attended the conference.

IF you attended the conference, you were fortunate to hear the opening remarks by Greg Lindner, CEDPA's president, followed by the Keynote address by Dr. Glynn D. Ligon, president of Evaluation Software Publishing, Incorporated (ESP) talking about data storage and warehousing considerations as we approach the year 2000. You enhanced your knowledge by attending the Breakout sessions and networking with your fellow technologists at the CEDPA-hosted President's Reception and at the hospitality suites hosted by NCS and Scantron.

YOU also participated in the informative Thursday and Friday discussion panels about E-Rate, the new State Accounting Code Structure, and other pressing technological and administrative issues. You experienced the largest vendor exhibit in CEDPA's history, with over 60 booths of products and services available for your review. And you left the conference with a fresh outlook and a wealth of knowledge that will help you with the challenges of your profession.

HOWEVER, if you weren't able to attend last year's conference, last year's Conference Central remains here so you can evaluate last year's program and prepare yourself to attend this year's conference in Palm Springs at the Palm Springs Marquis, site of the 1996 annual conference.

Copyright © 1997
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