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Discussion Lists (listservs)
CEDPA sponsors several discussion lists or "Listservs" that represent current topics of importance and interest to the association. By joining these listservs, members receive all communications posted to these lists and have the opportunity to post messages or queries to all of the list's members. These lists provide a forum for the exchange of timely information from sources throughout the state.
Joining A List
To join a list, send an e-mail message to Leave the message subject blank. The message body should contain only two words: the word subscribe and the name of the discussion list you wish to join. The rest of the message should remain blank. Do not append your signature line to the message.
Only members of a list may post messages to it. After submitting a request to join a list, you will receive e-mail confirmation that you have been added to the list.
Posting A Message To The List
To post a message, address the message to the name of the list. For example, to post a message to the Edtech list, address your message to [email protected].
The following lists are available:
Edtech - A discussion forum for educational technology issues.
Erate - A discussion forum for E-Rate, the FCC ruling on Universal Service that provides schools and libraries significant discounts on telecommunications services.
Additional lists are added as interest or importance dictates.

Leaving A List
If, after joining a list, you find that you no longer want to participate, simply send an e-mail message to with the words unsubscribe listname (substitute the name of the list you wish to leave) in the message body. You will be automatically removed from the list and receive confirmation of your removal.