The Digital California Project is a multimillion dollar initiative funded by the State of California that makes available high-performance network capability to every county and school district for use by K-12 teachers and students.
The Digital California Project has five major goals:
- To extend existing education networks to create a powerful common communications infrastructure that every school in California can gain access to and utilize.
- To provide the necessary support needed to sustain a high-performance statewide education backbone network.
- To facilitate string working relationships between California's K-12 and the higher education systems.
- To enable educators to obtain access to the tools needed to prepare students to enter the dynamic knowledge economy of the next century.
- To facilitate access to the many rich information resources and exciting new educational programs available through the Internet.
The project is being developed and administered by CENIC, the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California, to enable the delivery of advanced network technology of tomorrow to all of California's education communities. CENIC is a non-profit corporation founded by CIT, CSU, Stanford University, UC, and USC. The DCP Program Steering Committee will formulate and oversee the planning, development, coordination and implementation of the Digital California Project. As a member of the Program Steering Committee, CEDPA K-12 technologists will serve as a K-12 technology advocate and conduit of DCP information to the K-12 technolgy community.