DataBus - Vol 41 No. 1: December, 2000-January, 2001
Survey Says...
Greg Lindner, Elk Grove Unified School District
An online survey was conducted at CEDPA's conference in Santa Barbara to gain attendees' opinions regarding membership directions and alternatives for CEDPA. At present, one-year membership in CEDPA is "awarded" to attendees of its annual conference. While anyone can request to be added to CEDPA's mailing list at any time, they technically cannot become members of CEDPA unless they attend the conference.
Of the 217 survey responses received, 44.2% of the respondees were interested in individual membership, while 41% were interested in organizational membership being made available to educational agencies such as the California Department of Education, county offices of education, and local school districts. The remaining 14.7% responses expressed an interest for corporate membership (vendors or other non-educational agencies) or for no membership at all.
Attendees were also asked to indicate how much they thought membership fees, if charged, should be. Over half of the respondees, or 51.6% responded that membership fees should be set at $50 per year, while 28.1% thought that no fees should be charged. Other responses included $75/year, 10.6%; $100/year, 7.8%; and 1.8% indicating that $125/year was appropriate. When asked about organizational membership fees, 35.9% thought that $100 per year should be charged to organizations, while 24.4% thought that $250/year was appropriate. The remaining responses were: $500/year, 9.7%; $750/year, .9%, and $1000/year, .5%. Eleven people chose to bypass the question, while 51 respondees thought that nothing should be charged for organizational memberships.
Survey respondees were also asked if they would be willing to sign a membership statement with the following language: "I accept membership in CEDPA K-12 Technologists, and support the objectives of CEDPA as stated in the organization By-Laws. I recognize that I may periodically be asked to participate in surveys, the results of which will be used to present a statewide voice regarding K-12 technology issues, but that my participation in any survey is voluntary." 199 respondees indicated that they would be willing to sign such a certification. Also included in the survey were questions regarding online surveys. CEDPA is considering administering online surveys via its website in order to collect various types of information that will benefit its membership. Respondees were asked if they would be willing to participate in online surveys and how many they would be willing to participate in. The following summary represents some of these findings.
SA |
A |
NO |
D |
SD |
* |
Ability to Participate in On-Line Surveys and see the results
Ability to submit requests for On-Line Surveys
Ability to submit and review submitted Technology Studies
Ability to submit and review Salary Studies
Ability to submit and receive Job Descriptions
Ability to be heard on state wide issues |
104 |
90 |
21 |
1 |
0 |
* SA=Strongly Agree, A=Agree, NO=No Opinion, D=Disagree, SD=Strongly Disagree |
The CEDPA Board of Directors will use the results of this survey and the newly-formed Membership Special Interest Group to provide future direction for CEDPA. Progress on these issues will be reported on CEDPA's website and in the DataBus.