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   DataBus - Vol 40 No 4: June-July, 2000
Network Operations Center 2000

Planning for this year's Network Operation Center (NOC) is in full swing. Building upon the successes of prior conference NOC setups, CEDPA is making sure that this year's center will provide information and sessions on relevant and timely topics.
We've already had commitments from companies like Microsoft, Dell, Cisco, Lucent, Apple, Sehi Computing, Internet Products, AMP, Network Associates, and Wright Line to provide information, expertise, and equipment for the NOC.
Planned topics for discussion this year include network security, pro-active anti-virus protection, "server appliances", real-time network monitoring, virtual private networks (VPN), firewalls, web filtering, wireless LANs, video streaming, and more. We even plan to have computer furniture on display that you might use to house all of your own data center's network systems.
Plan on attending sessions in the NOC to learn about these topics and more and to see the hardware that makes it all happen. Take advantage of companies having engineers on-site to learn more about implementing these technologies in your office. Learn how to fight virus outbreaks automatically before they turn into widespread problems. Find out how wireless LANs can actually save you money (and labor!) and give greater freedom to users. Get tips on monitoring your network to be proactive with problems and to keep your network running in top shape. You'll find all this and more in the NOC 2000.
If you have suggestions for hardware, software, or presentations that you'd like to see added to this year's NOC's winning line-up, I'd really appreciate hearing from you. Please send me e-mail at .