CSIS Update: CSIS to Fund Second Phase of Participants
Bob Friedman, California School Information Services
On March 15, California School Information Services (CSIS) plans to announce details regarding the next wave of funding available to districts and county offices of education. 'Phase Two' in CSIS vernacular, will provide "seed funding" to local education agencies so that they may participate in the CSIS Program to automate student record keeping systems at the local level and electronically report and share information with other educational agencies. An estimated $5.5 million of funds are to be made available to increase the number of districts participating in this statewide program.
Almost $9 million in funding has been allocated to the Phase One participants of CSIS. The California Legislature has continued to allocate funding on a yearly basis both to increase local participation and to build the central processing capacity of CSIS. The Governor's Budget recommendation released in January, identified another $10million to support the continued implementation of the program.
CSIS Mission. The mission of the CSIS Program is to design and implement a statewide system for the electronic transfer of student information for state reporting and student records transfer by county offices of education and school districts. CSIS will provide central functions to enable the electronic reporting by local agencies to the CDE and act as the exchange mechanism for moving electronic student records between local agencies. Additionally, CSIS will support the submission of electronic 'transcripts' from secondary schools to California postsecondary institutions. These are the goals of CSIS:
- Build capacity of local education agencies (LEAs) to implement and maintain comparable student information systems.
- Enable the accurate and timely electronic exchange of student transcripts between LEAs and to Postsecondary institutions.
- Assist LEAs to transmit school, student and staff information that will reduce federal and state reporting burden.

CSIS began funding of local student information development activities on a competitive basis during 1999. The California State Board of Education granted authorization for the competitive funding process on February 9, 1999. The next opportunity to become part of CSIS begins with the release on March 15, 2000 of the Phase Two Request For Proposal (RFP) form and procedures. This is the vehicle by which consortia of districts and COEs may seek funding on a competitive basis to augment, modify or implement student information system capability that will meet local needs and enable them to participate in CSIS. Eligible applicants will consist of consortia of LEAs that have either: a) already implemented a common student information system that they propose to augment or modify; or b) have not implemented a common student information system for all their sites and wish to utilize "seed funding" through CSIS to build this capability.
Phase Two should enable local agencies to join one of the existing Phase One consortia, or become part of new consortia oriented to the use of a particular student information system. The following table identifies the Phase One consortia, and their current level of participation by local agencies.
Fiscal Agent |
CSIS Award |
Vendor |
#LEAs Enrollment |
Total California Users
#LEAs Enrollment |
Alameda COE |
$ 3,530,000 |
4 |
78,509 |
61 |
3,780,000 |
Los Angeles COE |
$ 2,719,000 |
Chancery |
10 |
41,793 |
60 |
252,000 |
Novato USD |
$ 1,256,000 |
10 |
41,793 |
60 |
338,000 |
San Bernardino City USD |
$ 175,500 |
Custom |
1 |
48,907 |
1 |
48,907 |
San Diego COE |
$1,117,000 |
Custom |
24 |
112,550 |
36 |
175,000 |
$8,797,500 |
70 |
758,285 |
528 |
4,593,907 |
The CSIS web site www.csis.k12.ca.us contains several general and detailed documents describing the Program. Details of the upcoming funding cycle will be posted to the site by March 15.
Questions about the CSIS program and the Phase Two RFP process may be addressed to Bob Friedman, CSIS Chief Operating Officer, by calling (916) 325-0887 or by email to [email protected].
Bob Friedman is Chief Operating Officer of the California School Information Services (CSIS). He may be reached at (916) 325-0887 or by e-mail at