California Educational Data Processing Association
The DataBus - Vol. 36, No. 3
April-May, 1996

Update on Breakout sessions...

Room A B C D
11:00 A.M. George Araya
Desert Hot Springs
Charles Burns
Elk Grove Unified
Eric Boutwell
San Francisco Unified
Ken Chapman
1:30 P.M. Linda Wilson
Bill Honniker
San Diego Unified
Farley Stewart
Internet Products
Bay Area Networks
2:45 P.M. ---Available--- ---Available--- ---Available--- ---Available---
4:00 P.M. ---Available--- ---Available--- ---Available--- ---Available---
Room A B C D
8:30 A.M. Macro Educ. Systems ---Available--- ---Available--- ---Available---
Room A B C D
9:15 A.M. ---Available--- ---Available--- ---Available--- ---Available---

We still have a need for more breakout sessions. The above table shows the time slots available. We would like to include the breakout session schedule in the Conference Announcement which will go to the printer in late June or early July. Please reserve your time early. Put your name, phone number, school/district/company in one of the time slots above, mail or fax it to me, and I will contact you for the details. If you prefer, you can simply fill out a Call for Speakers form containted in this issue of The Databus.

Some suggested topics for breakout sessions: hardware and network maintenance issues; Internet--access, security, forms capability, etc.; software support issues; help desk--anything you know; student system software successes and/or failures; financial and/or payroll software using client server technology; software training offered by your district/COE; your plan for NetDay96; standardized account code structure; millennium issues; classroom technology. There are many topics common and of interest to us all. Get your reservation in early. Mail or fax or E-mail me at:

Ventura County Supt. Of Schs. Office
5189 Verdugo Way
Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone: 805-383-1954 Fax: 805-383-1997

Breakout Sessions - Why YOU Should Make a Presentation

If instant fame and fortune is your desire, you won't get it by making a presentation at the CEDPA Conference. However, if you eliminate the fortune part from "fame and fortune", you will become famous (or infamous) in one brief 45-minute period of time.

Perhaps you could talk to us about your district's approach to NetDay96. By the time of the conference, you will certainly know whether you took the right or wrong approach. If it was a success, let us know your secret; if not, let us know the problems encountered and what you would do to avoid them next time.

How are you handling the approaching millennium change? Is your software all ready for the big day? If you feel secure in your resolution to this potential problem--let us know.

Do all the classrooms/teachers in your school or district have access to the Internet? Let us know how you achieved that success. Perhaps a teacher could make a presentation with you to explain all the advantages the Internet has brought into his/her classroom.

There are many, many subjects on which you could make a presentation. We will all benefit from your experience. If you would like, you may contact me to discuss the topic you are thinking of before you commit yourself to a breakout session. My phone number is 805-383-1954 or you can E-mail me at .

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