Would you be interested in presenting at the 1996 CEDPA Conference? Breakout sessions are being developed and many opportunities to speak are available. If you have a unique application, experience in implementing new technologies, budget saving ideas, or an information management or technology story to share, please consider presenting a breakout session.
Some sample topics are:
If you are interested in being a presenter, your participation could help make the 1996 CEDPA conference a real success. Suggestions for additional topics or items within topic areas are welcome. Please contact Judy Acosta, speaker chairperson, at (805) 383-1954, by FAX at (805) 383-1997, or by Internet e-mail at
TOPIC: Topic Description: Overhead Projector? YES NO Other A/V Aids? YES NO Explain: Presenter's Name: Title: Organization: Address: City/State/ZIP: Phone No.: FAX: