1997 CEDPA Conference
Exhibiting Vendors Part 3

Government Computer Sales
710 NW Jupiter St. #100
Issaquah, WA 98027
(206) 313-5000 ext. 272
Liz Dalbec
Government Computer Sales Logo
Gateway 2000 Computers.

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Internet Products, Inc.
8947-A Complex Drive
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 576-4100
Lisa Soss
Internet Products, Inc. Logo
Internet Products, Inc., the nationally recognized leader in Internet server development and manufacturing, will demonstrate the InterGate Solution, an astonishingly powerful, effortlessly managed and superbly supported Internet gateway server for LAN to Internet communication. InterGate features an intuitive management interface that enables a network administrator to remotely manage and control 12 Internet services for more than 10,000 users from a Web browser. InterGate integrates Web, E-mail, DNS, FTP, News and Dial-up servers, and houses performance enhancing Web site proxy and caching. Additionally, security and control features are included that provide firewall filtering, web site access filtering and remote dial-in authentication.

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Lucent Technologies
3213 Ramos Circle
Sacramento, CA 95827
(916) 366-5176
Candi Tiebout
Lucent Technologies Logo
Lucent Technolgies, often known for voice solutions, provides LAN, WAN and remote data networking solutions. Lucent Technologies can provide Internet access to meet a variety of needs for single to multiple users. Also, Lucent Technologies' NetCare Services provide a single point of contact for service and support or voice and data multimedia networks.

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Microsoft Corporation
10000 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 777-3716
Terri Rose
Microsoft Logo
Microsoft software for education including FrontPage97, Office97, Windows NT 4.0 Server and Workstation, and BackOffice products.

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TeleProcessing Products
4565 E. Industrial Street, Bldg. 7K
Simi Valley, CA 93063
(805) 522-8147
Ken Marino
Teleprocessing Products Logo
Integrated hardware and software solutions. For Adult Education and Food Services.

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Scanning Systems
2329 Ciradian Way
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
(800) 748-4288
Glen Hilbert
Scanning Systems Logo
Optical mark readers, stock scannable and output forms, custom scannable and output forms, bar code readers and labels.

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Sequel Technology
1938 Fourth St.
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 456-9636
Carter Coleman
Sequel Technology Logo
Sequel Net Access Manager software is the leader in providing monitoring and in-depth reporting on usage of the Internet/Intranet for students and staff.

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PC Connections dba
Destiny Computers
3480 Investment Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94545
(800) 366-4272
Merlin Thorson
Destiny Computers Logo
Destiny Computers is an Original Equipment Manufacturer and Distributor of PC systems and networking hardware. A major portion of our business is with the school districts of California. Much of our experience is in wireless hardware technology. A complete listing of our products, services and company history can be found at www.destinycomp.com. For voice communications, call 1-800-337-8469.

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Last updated: 8/28/97