California Educational Data Processing Association
DataBus - Vol. 38, No. 3
April-May, 1998
Vendor Show -- 1998

Mike Caskey, Stanislaus County Office of Education

Preparations for the 1998 CEDPA Vendor Show are under way. Four vendors, Trinity Group, Eagle Software, Scanning Systems, and Digitronics Software have already purchased booths and three other vendors have verbally committed to participation in this year's show, for a total of nine booths. So why am I anxious?

As you know, this year's conference is being held in Palm Springs at the Marquis, the site of one or our most successful conferences. It is also a site with a limited capacity for booths. Nine booths are obviously not a whole show. However, they do represent over 15% of the total vendor booth capacity.

If there is a vendor that you would like for me to contact, please let me know. Thanks to new and exciting technology, I now have both voice mail and e-mail. You can reach me at or at (209) 525-5095. I appreciate your tips and suggestions.

The CEDPA vendor show puts you in contact with the companies that are familiar with, and work well in the education environment. These companies support CEDPA and, in turn, deserve our support as we provide technology to our districts and county offices, and go about the business of "reaching the classroom."

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