California Educational Data Processing Association
The DataBus - Vol. 38, No. 1
December, 1997-January, 1998
1998 Vendor Show

Mike Caskey, Stanislaus County Office of Education

Ho-Hum... Time to start thinking about the vendor show for next year... It's that time of year again. No, not the start of the Holiday Season (although it is the start of the Holiday Season). It's time to start thinking about the 1998 CEDPA Conference. We'll be back in Palm Springs at the Marquis hotel, October 14, 15, & 16. The 1997 Conference was a real BLOCKBUSTER and your board is hard at work preparing for the next conference.

One of the real success stories of the 1997 conference was the quality of the vendor show and we'd very much like to continue the trend in 1998. Terrell Tucker did a great job putting the show together with a great variety of high quality vendors.

Why am I writing about the vendor show now? Well, it's pretty simple, really. We would like to know of any vendors you would like for us to contact. The Marquis is a magnificent facility. However, we may be limited to 58 or 60 vendors for the 1998 Vendor Show because of the size of the venue. We will have to follow the "first come, first served" rule of allocating booths and would like to contact any of your favorite vendors that were unable to participate in the 1997 conference. Please e-mail me at with your suggestions and ideas for the 1998 Vendor Show.

And, yes, I do realize that the Holidays are approaching. Have a Great Holiday Season!

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