California Educational Data Processing Association
The DataBus - Vol. 38, No. 1
December, 1997-January, 1998
Attendance Awards

Judy Acosta Ventura County Superintendent of Schools

Every year, CEDPA recognizes conference attendees who have attended for five, ten, fifteen, or twenty consecutive years. It is our way of showing our appreciation for your dedication and support. Those receiving awards at the 1997 Conference at the Radisson Hotel in Sacramento were:

Five Years

Lisa (Downer) Hayes
Carl Fong
Cindy Minter
Steve Setterlund
Dan Trade
Phil Trott

Ten Years

Richard Moynahan
Art Perez

Much to our dismay, we overlooked someone this year who should have received a five-year award. Robert (or Bob) Thomas of the Fairfield-Suisun District was missed because the name (Robert/Bob) was used to register in different years. Bob, we will correct this mistake and get your award to you as soon as possible. If there are others who feel they may have been overlooked, please contact me. You will find my address, phone number, or e-mail address on the second page of this edition of The DataBus.

Many thanks to our loyal supporters!!!

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