California Educational Data Processing Association
The DataBus - Vol. 36, No. 3
April-May, 1996


Warren Williams, Grossmont Union High School District

CEDPA has begun to expand the offerings on its web site. Most of the following services are currently available to the educational information technology community.

CEDPA Organization: CEDPA's by-laws and Board of Directors information provide the membership and casual observers access to facts about how the organization operates. The by-laws, as is all material on the pages, are downloadable to anyone. Members of the Board are identified by position and each has an email link to facilitate communication.

CEDPA History and Mission: For 36 years CEDPA has been serving California's educational technologists. For anyone with information about CEDPA's history, please email that information to us and we will expand the historical section.

The DataBus: Published every other month and distributed to the membership and other interested parties,The DataBus is once again available online. All issues since the 1994 Conference edition are located here. The Databus editor, Addison Ching, will continue to provide a quality source of information on this electronic format.

Calendar of Events: Convention and SIG meeting information is carried in our events section. Past and future convention dates with information about the purpose for the conventions is posted. In the near future we hope to include an online enrollment form for the attendees. As the convention date draws near, more information will be posted to keep you current about the events for the coming activity.SIG meetings are now held monthly and meeting information, including topics, contacts and directio ns, are posted. Here also, we hope to have online sign-up in the near future.

Two new and expanding services are now offered.

Job Listings: Many IS shops need comparative data when it comes to job classifications and postings. This new section will offer two kinds of information. Job Descriptions will list job specifications for district and county offices. Currently available are Grossmont Union High School District positions, but as soon as other districts or offices send in these descriptions they will be posted. Also, this service will hopefully assist managers and job seekers to remain current with respect to the kinds of tasks required of employees across the State. Current Openings has opportunities to individuals around our State. There are two postings available now, but the list should grow as the service gains in usage.

Vendor List: As vendors sign up for this year's convention, CEDPA will post a small logo and URL for participating organizations. Also posted will be any information about door prizes and assistance that an organization may want to provide for the convention.

In the future, CEDPA will have an area for RFP information. Some mechanism will be designed to share RFP's to assist members who need to draft these documents. It is hoped that legislative and technical data will also be posted to help keep members abreast of emerging issues.

If you have any suggestions about the design of the page or information you would like to place there, contact You can also recommend The Databus and CEDPA to others and they can request membership by filling out the Online Request Form.

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