In Retrospect...

Addison Ching, The DataBus Editor

This has been a very active year for CEDPA and The DataBus. Our issues seem to be getting larger and hopefully providing you with helpful information. Thanks to those whose contributions have added to the quality of the publication. While we are always striving to improve the quality of your publication, it can't be done without your help. Keep those articles coming. Let us share your experiences with new systems, your Internet implementation, your ATM installation, or any other topics that might be of interest to our readership.

The CEDPA Board of Directors is taking a positive approach towards the newsletter. Recognizing the importance the role of The DataBus plays in the support and advancement of the Association, the Board is recommending the addition of the DataBus editor as an officer of the Association. This will result in the shifting of DataBus support activities, currently supported by a director, to the new editor position. This, in turn, will release one of the directors to devote his/her resources towards the annual conference and other support activities of the Association.

In the tradition of The DataBus, future issues will contain articles and information that will keep you informed of technological advancements. Thanks for your support.