The Technology Literacy Challenge (TLC), Round I and II, supported 138 projects statewide. On September 30, 2001, the funding ended and districts struggled with ways to continue the staff development momentum that had become so important during the implementation of the TLC grants. Los Angeles Unified, with direction and leadership from Ms. Beverley Royster, Coordinator of the TLC grant, has developed a program titled, “Peer to Peer Coaching” to continue providing the staff development component made possible by the grant.


Los Angeles Unified used part of their TLC grant to provide over 650 teachers of grades 4-8 with staff development and training to become confident, capable users of educational technology. One survey conducted by the district indicated that 80% of the TLC teachers regularly incorporated technology in their classroom instruction. To keep the training momentum of the TLC grant alive, Ms. Royster with support from Mr. Jim Konantz, Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Athaur Ullah, Administrator, and all 11 of the district’s regional superintendents, created a leadership and support network with selected elementary and middle school teachers.


The vision for Peer to Peer Coaching is to provide continuity, sustainability and a broad base of support. The coaching will be provided by former TLC teachers in grades 4-8 with a focus on each local school district’s academic challenges.


The goal for the Peer to Peer Coaching program is 55 teachers; two middle school and three elementary teachers per each of the 11 local school districts. The selection process requires recommendation by an advisor and site administrator support. Although Peer to Peer Coaches receive no monetary reward, they do receive leadership training and become part of a cadre who share the passion of teaching and the enjoyment of networking and sharing.


Upon completing the training sessions, Coaches will qualify to be hired as staff development providers within the district. Coaches also receive a Palm Pilot and access to a district Web site on which their biographies are posted. More information about the program may be obtained from the Los Angeles Unified School District’s web site: or by contacting Ms. Royster at (213) 229-4836 or

Joyce Hinkson
Education Program Consultant
California Department of Education