Wyse Technology
(714) 960-7688
(714) 960-6648 FAX
Paul Arms
email: |
Wyse Technology is the worldwide leader in Windows-based and network terminals, providing thin-client computing solutions to enterprises worldwide.
Data Impressions, Inc.
13180 Paramount Blvd.
South Gate, CA 90280
(562) 630-8788
(562) 634-1279 FAX
Jack Mele
email: |
Computers, Software and Accessories, State Piggybackable Bids, Y2K Solutions
Software Express, Inc.
4128-A South Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28209
(800) 527-7638 x245
(704) 529-1010 FAX
Sally Shorb
email: |
AMP, Inc.
13641 Los Olivos Ave.
Poway, CA 92064
(619) 890-6700
(619) 748-5104 FAX
Marty Melendrez
e-mail: |
Premise Networking Wiring Products
Dell Computer Corporation
5143 Diamond Heights Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94131
(415) 920-9876
(415) 920-9865 FAX
Donna Riley
email: |
Dell Computer Corporation, the world's leading direct marketer, is focused on providing enterprise solutions to the K12 market.
Empire Computer Solutions
3243 Arlington, Suite 242
Riverside, CA 92506
(909) 787-8768
(909) 787-0831 FAX
Jim Pappas
email: |
Document Imaging: Laserfiche
Microsoft Corporation
10000 Torre Ave.
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 777-3716
(408) 777-3768 FAX
Terri Rose
e-mail: |
Microsoft Corporation and Wang Global, specialists in network integration and consulting, invite you to stop by our booths to view Windows 2000 and Office 2000.
CTAP/Fresno County Office of Education
1111 Van Ness Ave.
Fresno, CA 93271
(559) 265-3089
(559) 497-3940 FAX
Ellis Vance
e-mail: |
CTAP is a state-funded project to support the effective use of educational technology through regional collaberation in staff development, learning resources, technology assistance, hardware and infrastructure, and coordination and funding assistance.