Breakout Session DescriptionsEducation Technology Planning
Mark Aronica, WestEd
Successful technology plans are the result of careful planning and "putting the pieces together." This session will present a series of tools to help develop technology plans that work.
District Wide Network Management
Mark Richmond, Tulare City School District
This presentation will be about how Tulare City School District is managing their WAN using Novell Managewise.
On The Horizon
Michael Droe, Hacienda La Puente Unified School District and Apple Computer, Inc.
This presentation will be about preparing for a Net-centric Information Systems environment. Come and hear Michael's vision on how to prepare for the future.
ABC's of Document Imaging
Nien-Ling Wacker, Laserfiche Document Imaging
This presentation addresses the technology behind document imaging and the direction it's taking regarding educational records management. Unbiased comparative studies taken from school districts utilizing document imaging, and those without, will be presented.
Hook Teachers on Technology
Michael Boland, Palmdale School District
This workshop is intended to explain how to implement a successful training program in your district (Windows, Office, Internet K12). Learn how to "hook" your teachers into using technology in the classroom. Also discussed will be needs of students and parents and their training needs.
Implementing Decision Support Tools
Kent Keel, Executive Director, Information Technology, Kent School District
Learn about key issues school districts must address and the process of using decision support tools in data warehouse implementations.
CBEDS and Language Census
Karl Scheff and Donna Rothenbaum, California Department of Education
Representatives from the California Department of Education will give an update about what the state has done and will be doing with CBEDS and the Language Census.
Networking Now and For the Future
Reinier Tuinzing, Director of Strategic Marketing, Intel
Learn about the latest technology road map for processors and other related technologies from Mark Christensen, vice president of Intel. See examples of leading edge software applications for students and teachers, and the technologies involved in getting your Windows computers connected to the world.
Computing in the classroom
Dr. George Araya, Technology Coordinator, Desert Sands Unified School District
This school district is always on the leading edge when it comes to technology. Attend this one to learn about technology in the curriculum using Internet/Intranet protocol.
FCMAT Activities and Direction
Tom Henry, FCMAT
The Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) provides fiscal advice, management assistance, training and other related school business services to California educational agencies. Learn what they are doing and where their services are headed in the future.
Year 2000--The Real Story
Rick Nelson, California Department of Education
You have a plan in place, but you may not know about some mission critical systems that your users have neglected to mention to you. This presentation will give you lots of good tips regarding your readiness for the year 2000.
Communications into the Future
Paul Andres, Managing Director, MOD-TAP
The presentation will be looking five to ten years into the future. Communications will be a primary driver of the work and home environments of the future. As the amount of information we have access to is increased by higher speed connectivity, the types of data and the way we interact with our machines will change dramatically.
Plugging in the Curriculum
Jan Langtry and Will Fowler, Novato Unified School District
Information services are more than the maintenance of phone lines, routers, hubs workstations and servers. In the world of digital information, these services increasingly provide the raw material of the curriculum itself. Novato USD has created a Technology Curriculum Specialist position within IS to unify the concepts of information and curriculum. Hear what their program is doing.
Classroom Computer User Technical Support
Charles Burns, Elk Grove Unified School District
This session will be of interest to anyone trying to keep abreast of all those calls from teachers requiring technical assistance. Learn about a plan for establishing desperately needed technical support for teachers.
Networking Anywhere, Anytime
Citrix Systems, Inc. and special guest Dr. George Araya, Desert Sands Unified School District
Collaboration between different platforms and applications are not only possible but can be maintained at your reach regardless of your operating systems, computing power, and with minimal resources with "server-based computing." Server-based (thin client/server) computing expands your existing network infrastructure and help you save total cost of ownership, as well as providing increased accessibility of computing power to your students and staff members.
Video Over the Network
George Uibel, Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Engineers will conduct an in-depth discussion covering video conferencing and video multicast, IP and ATM.
CSIS Update
Bob Friedman, CICS Project Administrator
This discussion will bring you up-to-date on what's been happening this past year and where the project is headed. Many of you have been a part of this project since its "beginning" and will find this of interest.
Digital High Schools
Eric Boutwell, San Francisco Unified School District, and a representative from the California Department of Education
This will be an interactive session--learning and sharing. What is your school doing with this innovative program? Learn what others are doing. There is a lot of valuable information to be gleaned from this session.
Roundtable: E-Rate
Moderated by Greg Lindner, Yolo County Superintendent of Schools
This will be an interactive discussion designed to give background information on what has happened so far with the E-Rate funding and what is yet to come. Come join this discussion and participate in the question and answer period regarding the happenings with this FCC program.
A Connected Learning Community
Barbara Allen, Lemon Grove School District.
What a wonderful concept--a connected learning community. Well, there is really such a thing and it's called Project LemonLINK. Barbara Allen, Project Director of Project LemonLink will tell you about this collaborative learning environment for students, teachers, parents, and members of the Lemon Grove community.
CEDPA's Educational Alliances
Oswaldo Galarza, Greg Lindner, Mike Caskey, and Terrell Tucker, CEDPA
CEDPA board members will discuss CEDPA's alignment with and participation in educational alliances such as CSIS and CCSESA.
Roundtable: Managing Technology
Moderated by Warren Williams, Ramona Unified School District
In this session, we will discuss the issues facing us in our effort to manage technology in the K-12 environment. Join the discussion and participate in the question and answer period and let us know what is taking place in your schools.